Why You Need A Plan Yesterday for What Could Happen Tomorrow

The only thing certain about life is that nothing is certain at all. Unfortunately, we really have no way to know what tomorrow will bring. However, if we start planning now, we can provide our families with prompt closure when the time comes to leave them behind. Here are four reasons why we should be proactive with our estate planning.

Prevent Disputes After Leaving Our Loved Ones Behind

Messy legal battles often ensue when individuals pass away without a clear estate plan in place. If you take the time to outline your wishes now, you can be sure that any misunderstandings will be avoided, allowing your loved ones to move into the next chapter of their lives feeling unified. 

Increase Peace of Mind for You and Your Family

By avoiding creating a clear estate plan, we’re really leaving a lot of crucial decisions up to chance. On the other hand, being proactive with estate planning gives us the peace of mind that our assets will be distributed with our exact desires in mind when the time comes for such matters to be handled.

Additionally, proactive real estate planning can significantly reduce the burden placed on family members after a passing occurs. Rather than leaving them to scramble and create a plan from scratch, your medical care wishes and memorial will already be outlined with your preferences squarely in mind.

Reduce Future Tax Obligation

When you choose experienced attorneys to help you shape your estate plan, they can use their legal prowess to allow your assets to be distributed in such a way that minimizes the tax burden for your listed beneficiaries. Airtight plans like these are very hard to create on the spot without planning ahead for the future.

Support Your Favorite Causes

One of the overlooked aspects of proactive estate planning is that it allows us to consider supporting causes that are meaningful to us when we end up moving on. If you are passionate about any particular cause or charitable organization, you can allocate some of your funds to support them one last time.

Plan for Tomorrow with the Law Office of Somekh & Associates

We offer a complete range of estate planning, long-term care, elder law, Medicaid planning and asset protection services. Our goal is to prevent problems before they occur, and we work with hundreds of families to develop care options that work for their goals and budgets. Interested in learning more about our services? Just pick up the phone and call us at (718) 878-6732!

Schedule a consultation

If you are seeking elder law or estate planning assistance, contact NY Elder Law Group today to get started. Call (718) 740-3300 or schedule a consultation through our website.

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